Please click the boxes below to find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Medical Petition Process and Portal.
- For students who have not yet completed their academic program, Medical Petitions must be submitted within 6-months of the end of the semester (s) they are petitioning for tuition and fee consideration. Repayment of tuition and fees for approved petitions is a separate process. All Approved Academic Calendars
- For students who have not yet completed their academic program, Medical Petitions must be submitted within 5-years of the last day of classes for the term(s) they are petitioning for academic consideration. All Approved Academic Calendars
- Students who have completed their academic program are not eligible for Medical Petition consideration.
For students who have not yet completed their academic program, Medical Petitions must be submitted within 6-months of the end of the semester (s) they are petitioning for tuition and fee consideration. Repayment of tuition and fees for approved petitions is a separate process. All Approved Academic Calendars
If a petition has been approved and processed by the University Registrar, the University Bursar will be notified to process tuition or fees repayment for which you may be eligible. Note that the eligibility of repayment is dependent on many factors and is determined by your funding source. There are several factors that may impact a student’s potential for repayment. It is best to discuss the possibility of repayment for an approved medical petition with a representative from the University Bursar’s Office.
For students who have previously dropped courses before the deadline (within the term), the grades of these courses have already been replaced with a ‘W.’ Students who have not yet completed their academic program who wish to petition for tuition and fee consideration may then do so by submitting a completed Medical Petitions within 6-months of the end of the semester. All Approved Academic Calendars
For students who have not yet completed their academic program and have submitted a complete Medical Petition within 5-years of the end of the semester being petitioned (All Approved Academic Calendars), an approved Medical Petition will replace existing grades with a ‘W.’ This may improve overall GPA.
In addition, for students who have not yet completed their academic program and have submitted a complete Medical Petition with 6-months of the end of the semester being petitioned (All Approved Academic Calendars), an approved Medical Petition may result in consideration for tuition and fees for the term. Repayment of tuition and fees for approved petitions is a separate process.
Prior Students who have completed their academic program are not eligible for Medical Petition consideration.
After the medical petition committee’s decision is made, that decision is communicated to the Office of the University Registrar, the Bursar, and Student Financial Aid.
- Chrome and Firefox are the recommended browsers.
- For issues logging in, contact 352-392-4357 or helpdesk@ufl.edu.
- If you receive an error while submitting a petition. Take a screenshot of the issue and email it to medicalpetition@ufsa.ufl.edu along with information about the action you were trying to take (be sure to include the browser you were using) OR call Campus Assistance & Resources for Empowerment (CARE) within the Dean of Students Office at 352-392-1261, Monday – Friday from 8 am – 5 pm.
Students can send “links” through the Medical Petition Portal to their instructors and medical providers. If these links have been sent and your instructor or provider are having issues submitting documentation, it is possible the links have expired. Please call Campus Assistance & Resources for Empowerment (CARE) within the Dean of Students Office at 352-392-1261 to reactivate the links.
Students can also request that the documentations of support be sent to them directly. Students can then upload the documentation in the Additional Documentation Area of their petition.